
Chase Insulations operate across a broad spectrum of sectors. Our team have operated on all aspects of thermal insulation such as industrial, petrochemical and H&V. 

Please check back for more updates that we will be adding shortly!

Leisure & Retail

A specialty of Chase Insulations is within the retail sector. Much of our work is completed in this field, with alot of repeat business, testiment to the quality of the installation and service we provide on these projects.

We have also been successfully completed 5* hotels, leisure centres, gyms and other leisure facilities through the years.

Projects in This Sector

Health & Education

Chase Insulations have completed numerous schools, from refurbs during the school holidays, to whole brand new build primary and secondary schools.

We have successfully completed many NHS projects over the years and works are in progress at the new multi million pound Kings College Hospital new critical care unit in Camberwell. London.

Projects in This Sector


Although the residential market represents a small proportion of our work, we have successfully completed high rise apartment blocks along with individual prestigous houses in the past for some very important clients.

Please check back for more updates!

Projects in This Sector